eSubmissions: Q&A Session for Industry – Mandatory Use of eSubmission Gateway

5 December, 2016

A follow-up webinar Q&A session for industry will be held on 12Jan16 (1pm – 3pm GMT) – Mandatory Use of eSubmission gateway to help answer questions industry may still have transitioning to the mandatory use.

In addition, a new eSubmission XML Delivery File UI has been made available on the eSubmissions website (Link).

Business Units: 

Unparalleled Expertise for EU Centralised Procedures

Cyton has a strong collaborative working relationship with Dr. Anja Holm of CVPC, former chair of the CVMP.

As well as providing unique insights into our clients' projects, our collaboration with Dr. Holm also includes regulatory training courses. Follow the links below for more information.
- Central VetPharma website
- Training event: Innovative VMPs