End of transition period deadline prompts further updates from VMD, AnimalhealthEurope and other regulators

UK VMD brexit information hub
21 October, 2020

With the transition period for Brexit coming to an end from 1 January 2021, the EU regulators and industry for veterinary medicines are publishing final reminders to about what needs to happen before the deadline.

Animalhealth Europe Brexit position

AnimalhealthEurope publishes Brexit position: “Protecting animals, their health, and our food supply across Europe”, urging the EU and UK to take steps to ensure continued, uninterrupted supply of veterinary medicines (Link).

VMD end of transition period information hub

The UK VMD has published a series of updates to various sections of the “End of Transition Period Information hub (Link), including the following:

  • Authorised Personnel Location
  • Pharmacovigilance System and QPPV
  • Adverse Event Reporting and PSURs
  • Import and export of veterinary medicines explainer

Further updates are expected over the coming weeks and months and the full information hub can be accessed here.

Austrian BASG

Austria has issued a reminder about Brexit actions to be implemented by industry before the end of the transition period (Link).

Irish HPRA

Ireland’s HPRA has also issued an update on Brexit preparations, taking into consideration the latest information from the European Commission (Link). Guidance has been updated, with a track-changes version available to highlight the latest changes.

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