April – May news updates from the EMA

11 May, 2017

In addition to the CVMP’s April meeting report (Link), the EMA has published various other updates relating to the following topics:

  • Updated scientific advice request template (Link)
  • A summary report on the Stakeholder focus group meeting on availability of Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines authorised to EU standards (Link)
  • A Q & A document has been released, following the recent Article 35 referral for gentamicin (Link)
  • EMA and HMA press releases regarding the outcome of the UK referendum (Link) and consequences of Brexit (Link)
  • Updated formatted table templates to be inserted in application submission cover letters for veterinary procedures (Link)
Business Units: 

Unparalleled Expertise for EU Centralised Procedures

Cyton has a strong collaborative working relationship with Dr. Anja Holm of CVPC, former chair of the CVMP.

As well as providing unique insights into our clients' projects, our collaboration with Dr. Holm also includes regulatory training courses. Follow the links below for more information.
- Central VetPharma website
- Training event: Innovative VMPs